BlackMita's Page
About page of my virtual self.

My Internet Alias History

The first time I used BlackMita was in 2000, as my username on Red Alert 2. A year later I came across the original GameTalk while looking up RA2 stuff, and started gravitating to the non-gaming sections of the site, such as the Pointless section. This was my first taste of online communities, where I tried to write funny stuff and sometimes debate on more serious subforums. Gametalk was an ideal place to be a reckless newb... in retrospect it was like 4chan without the images: search engines rarely archived old posts, you could articipate without logging in, and the presence of your type was your identity... thus I could burn out on trolling, role playing, and forced debate without leaving too many embarrassing traces of my youth.

2001-2004 I wandered from Gametalk into other websites about MBTI, unschooling, and paranormal activity. I still recall the thread which spurred me to google "introvert". All this pop-psychology impressed upon me the diversity of opinions online, awakening the covert-geek of my personality: I could explore bizarre and taboo things, without projecting an interest in those things publicly or at home. Before long I'd found all the stuff people raised on web 2.0 hear about second-hand: fandoms, furries,, napster,, campy geocities and angelfire pages, pre-newgrounds flash culture, photo galleries of abandoned placed, ghosts, UFOs, and The Best Page In The Universe (first blog?) Unlike most teens, I watched very little camera porn, because I prefered the drawn or animated kind.

I was active on some MBTI forums--mostly INTJf (2007-2013) Metroid fan forums (2005-2007) and the Game Maker Community (2004-2009). By mid 2010, I was visiting YouTube and 4chan daily; mostly /b/, /v/, /ic/, /co/ and later /mlp/ & /pol/. I make an effort to listen to philosophers on YT. Even tried to vlog about Antinatalism as [redacted] in 2012, but no longer think videos are good for discussions. I had a deviantArt account in 2011 that I rarely used and deleted by May 2013, when I made a Tumblr with my [redacted] alias. A month before tumblr, I joined Flankbook 2.0 where I had several accounts for light RPing and messing around. After the Eliot Rogers thing I began lurking wizardchan, finding the board culture to be relatable and slightly contemptible, so I never actually make posts.

I don't check my non-real-name emails anymore.